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Jakari in action |
With the trap sprung I climbed my 'Mech out of the gorge I'd been using for cover and opened up on the Dervish with the twin large and four medium lasers. The heat level in the cockpit spiked a little but it was worthwhile as my opponent rocked backwards as the armour on it vaporised. Thornton let me know that he was on the move and Jakari for once was sticking to the plan. The Dervish spun round trying to bring its weapons to bear but I blasted off another salvo from my 'Mech's energy weapons. I'd punched through into the internal structure and damaged one of the LRM systems as my lasers boiled its armour away.
Thornton was now in the thick of it too, blasting at the Panther with his PPC while strafing at Musa's infantry as they tried to get out of their technical. Things got a little hazy after that... The dervish pilot had soon had enough and shut his 'Mech down so I switched to the Panther who was so busy trying to evade Thornton's Battlemaster that he didn't notice my kicking his leg off until it was too late. We concentrated on the infantry and the vehicles while Jakari came up to finish off the downed Panther blasting it's cockpit when the pilot refused to stand down... I do wish he wouldn't do that but I guess it is the pirate in him!
Over the comms I could hear the chatter coming from the Vandals, Cia was telling them to stand down while Collins was railing against it and even took a pot shot at Thornton before van Zant saw the writing on the wall and ordered him to cease and desist. Jakari was soon on the comm to the four of them telling them that they were now a part of Ferguson's Blackshields! I got the distinct impression that they were not too pleased about it. It's a hard thing to go from being top dog to one of the boys again and I didn't think that van Zant would handle it all that well.
The last of Musa's trucks was making a break for the hills and just as it crested a rise I blasted it with my 'Mech's PPC. Some of Musa's infantry decided that they couldn't compete with Thornton's machineguns and threw down their weapons... very smart of them.
With the fighting over van Zant was quickly on the comm asking what the fuck was going on. Jakari once again let him know that they were being taken in and made members of the Blackshields or they could die where they stood. With Cia obviously already on side and heavily outgunned by superior 'Mechs van Zant agreed.
Before we headed back to Ras Hafun I fulfilled my part of our bargain with van Zant. I took his star league computer and plugged it into the battle computer in my Black Knight. It took a few minutes but I was able to hack my way in and release the coordinates of the lost Star League base. I ran an algorithm that corrupted the coordinates before handing it back to van Zant... I just don't trust that arsehole!
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