Ras Hafun

Ras Hafun has little to recommend it. A small ‘city’ of a few thousand souls, many of them slaves, living under the rule of Caliph Omar Mukhtar. From what you have gathered the Caliph is no better or worse than any of the many other rulers on Astrokaszy, which makes him a cruel and tyrannical despot. You have met him a couple of times, but Branka and Jared always act as go-betweens. The city itself sits on a virtually defunct ruby mine, totally reliant on man-power rather than machines and has limited industrial capacity. The industry mostly aligned with the military needs of the Caliph. 

The Caliph lives in relative luxury within a walled compound, surrounded by heavily armed guards. He has no BattleMech forces of his own (unlike some other Caliph’s), so has come to rely on the Blackshields, an awkward position to be in for a man that rules through fear and brute strength.

 Caliph Omar Mukhtar with guards


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