Friday 7 June 2013

MechWarrior Log - Brody.J - Arrival at Musa's palace

Caliph Musa's Palace

The commander of our troop of guides was Hadji, he seems to be one of the few of Muhktar’s men that can manage to speak more than a handful of words of English. We arranged to meet him and his crew outside the ‘Mech bays just after dawn.

As we ran through our start-up checks we could see Hadji’s technical with its rear mounted 50 cal and half a dozen guys hanging off the back of it. I checked with Hadji if they had a communicator and he smiled as he shook his head and said ‘CB!’... Christ on the bloody cross no wonder no-one has managed to bring this planet to heel.

We rolled out and followed the technical as it made it’s way through the streets of Ras Hafun and headed for the desert at a reasonable pace following Hadji's lead. We kept an open channel between the three of us though none of us really were up to much by way of conversation.

The day wore on and within six hours we had made it to within thirty minutes of the edge of the Caliph's land. To go any further by 'Mech would run the risk of discovery. I powered down and dismounted so that we could talk to Hadji about what we could expect in Musa's Caliphate. He spun us the usual crap about how the people here were worse than dogs, that their idea of recreation was to sleep with their mothers or fathers or possibly both.

Needless to say we didn't get a great deal of any use from him. We all agreed that running in on the back of a loaded for bear technical was a bad idea so Thornton set to work removing the 50 from its mounting. The driver went nuts! Anyone would think that Thornton had told him he'd slept with his favourite wife... an insane thought on so many levels!

Hadji placated the driver and when that didn't work so well beat him into submission and within ten minutes the gun and ammo were sat on the deck and the technical was ready to go. We took some of the Militia's desert gear and got back into the truck. Hadji wished us luck and wasn't too impressed when we told him he was coming. He told us his face was known there but Jakari told him that wouldn't matter.

The last thirty minutes later and we were inside the Caliphates perimeter. another ten and we were outside of the Caliph's palace staring up at the mud brick façade.

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