Jackson Brody - Mechwarrior, Solaris fighter

Jackson Brody

Jackson was born on New Avalon in 3015 on the continent of New Scotland, not far from the provincial capital of Dundee. He grew up in a military family and attended a good high school before being selected to join the White Hands Stable as an intern on the gambling world Solaris VII.

He did well in his classes and was sent for some advanced training at the Filtvelt Military Academy before being returned to Solaris to complete his tenure as a stable warrior. A successful warrior Brody was able to make some decent money while on Solaris through both fair means and foul.

A couple of tours as a paramilitary MechWarrior followed before he once again returned to Solaris and found himself mixed up in a world of organised crime and gangsters. Rapidly getting out of his depth he fled Solaris and headed for the Periphery and the Black Warriors.

After completing their training programme and warrior hazing Brody decided that there must be a better way to make a living and with Jakari and Thornton and his young ward they bought passage on a tramp freighter off world.

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